We all know that we need to have a positive attitude to be successful in life. For this we require positive thinking. Along with this law of attraction also plays a major role. It's a kind of secret to success. But do we know the gratitude journey ? The atitude of gratitude is one of the best way to be happy and successful.
Do you know that everyday can be a spent with a smile! You just need to remain happy. Till know you might have not thought about this happiness. Where to get it from ? But having an attitude of gratitude would surely bring colours to your life. What is this attitude of gratitude ?
Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude which rhymes with the word "attitude" comes from a latin word gratus which means "thankful".
It means to have a thankful natute and appreciate the beautiful things you have in your life. Just you need to live a life with being thankful to everything around you.
There are many ups and downs in your life. When you might be struggling you won't have any idea in which direction you should go. At this time attitude of gratitude helps you. This attitude would also change your state of mind. It is the strongest tool similar to law of attraction.
There are times when people wish to get various things. At the same time they think that they can't do this or do that. But by thinking all sort of negative stuff would never bring things you want. So you are know focusing on things which you don't have. What about those things you have ? Think about those. Thank them! The new ones would come automatically.
Always thinking about your worries and difficulties attract negative things. Just thinking about those things which you have in your life would increase your happiness. Start thanking them. You would attract more happiness.
Gratitude is a powerful tool
Even thinking about thanking someone will make you happy. Sit back and think when was the last time you thanked someone ? See just by thinking that, you got a smile on your lovely face ! Now, wonder what might be the result when you bring this attitude to your daily routine.
There are many thoughts running in your mind at the same time. Every single thought effects you what you do in your life. So keep your mind in a healthy state by being happy. Infact gratitude is a key of happiness.
Sow how can you have that mind of gratitude
- Starting from the time you wake up, think about the things you have in your life. Appreciate them. Let it be a good bed tea or a beautiful sunny day. Thank them. Yes you should also thank a non living thing.
- Mediation is a powerful tool for positive mindset.
- Make a diary. Note down the things you are grateful for or proud of. Always be in touch with those notes. When you are a bit tensed or worried refer these notes and you would feel relaxed.
- Take care of the words you use. A sentence meaning can be changed by simply adding/changing a word. Be careful.
- Say thank you to water. We know that our body is about 60% water. Respect it. Similarly thank other things which play an important role in your life.
- Dont compare your progress with others. Instead appreciate your work and celebrate it. Acknowledge yourself for what you have done yesterday or previous week, month or year back.
- Nothing is small or big. Give credits to yourself for even achieving small things.
- At the end of the day again think about the grateful things you did.
- Thank you family and friends for their presence in your life. They would feel much happier than you.
It is as simple as when you get grateful for the things you have right know then in very less time you would grateful for more things in future. When you send those grateful feelings you get happy and it attracts more happiness in your life.
If there is positive side then there is also negative side. If you keep on thinking about there is nothing to be grateful for then you won't attract any happiness. You attract more tension, worries and difficulties. Instead become grateful everyday. Be grateful for the body you have, your friends, families, health, wealth and many more. There is nothing for which you can't be grateful for.
Benefits of Gratitude
- Your happiness increases. And you will always have a smile on your face. Further the person you would be interacting with will also be happy.
- You have good and strong relations. Your friends or family members would love to know importance of them in your life. Spend time with them.
- You have good mental health. You can achieve any thing.
- You have good phsical health. No more overweight or health issues. Everything is internally connected to each other.
- You would be able to sleep more peacefully. Also you would be able to spend more time with yourself.
- You would have improved life satisfaction. You would be having a better motto. Just like a warrior.
A beautiful quote
"The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings."
- Henry Ward Beecher
So friends try to develop and maintain that attitude of gratitude. Be thankful to yourself and others. Make it a habit. Try it daily and after few days it would become your habit.
Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Sharing is caring! Share this article with your friends.
What are you grateful for today? Do comment down.
Thank you !!😊
"The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings."
- Henry Ward Beecher
So friends try to develop and maintain that attitude of gratitude. Be thankful to yourself and others. Make it a habit. Try it daily and after few days it would become your habit.
Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Sharing is caring! Share this article with your friends.
What are you grateful for today? Do comment down.
Thank you !!😊
Attitude of Gratitude | Positivity | Success
Reviewed by Guideroots
10:28 PM

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